Renowned author Homura Kawamoto (Kakegurui) delivers a twisted, multifaceted story in Yurukill. Accused of arson and the murders of 21 people, protagonist Sengoku Shunju is forced to fight for his freedom and prove his innocence. As one of six Prisoners, he must pair up with one of five victims, referred to as Executioners, within the confines of the strange and secluded amusement park known as Yurukill Land. Together each of the five teams-Mass Murderers, Death Dealing Duo, Crafty Killers, Sly Stalkers, and Peeping Toms-must face and overcome the entertainment venue's so-called "attractions" in order to attain what they desire. Should the Prisoners succeed, their crimes shall be pardoned. But if the Executioners win, they will be granted revenge for their loved ones.
Deluxe Edition includes: Yurukill: The Calumniation Games GAME, Digital Soundtrack (download code), Physical Softcover Art Book, Reversible Cover
Product Details
Name: Yurukill: The Calumniation Games
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: NIS America
Developer: G.Rev
Official Release Date: 07/05/22
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
ESRB: Blood, Drug Reference, Fantasy Violence, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes
Country: USA
Product ID: PPSA-06018
Product Barcode: 810023038757