Yu Yu Hakusho tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a character who battles evil in both the living and spirit worlds. In Spirit Detective, you'll guide Yusuke through various adventures taken from the animated TV series. The game chronicles the first third of the hero's 112-episode journey. As any one of six characters, you'll battle evil enemies with signature attacks and weapons. Journey through the spirit world, conquer Yusuke's enemies, and master each quest to become a true spirit detective.
Product Details
Name: Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghost Files: Spirit Detective
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Publisher: Atari SA
Official Release Date: 12/02/03
Number of Players: N/A
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > Linear
ESRB: Mild Violence
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 742725250673