After centuries of imprisonment, Kalabrax, an evil sorceress walks the Earth once more. She seeks revenge upon the gods, as well as world domination. To that end, she has conspired to acquire the ultimate power. However the spell that will grant her this power requires the sacrifice of a mortal Queen. Gabrielle, Xena's best fried, happens to be a Queen of the Amazons, which makes her a target for Kalabrax. After Gabrielle is captured by Kalabrax' evil co-conspirators King Valarian and Narsus, an evil renegade Amazon, Xena springs into action. Now, to rescue her friend and save the world, Xena must undertake an epic journey to find a way to defeat her immortal enemy.
Product Details
Name: Xena: Warrior Princess
Platform: PlayStation 1
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: VU Games
Official Release Date: 09/30/99
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > General
ESRB: Animated Blood, Animated Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: SLUS-00977
Product Barcode: 014633140606