Gensokyo. A remote area where humans and monsters live, isolated from the outside world by a barrier. One day, Hakurei Reimu, the shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, sees mysterious pillars towering all over Gensokyo. The pillars are a signal for the start of the Fushigi Festival , a festival hosted by Yakumo Yukari, where players fight for their spell cards. In order to find out the true intentions of Yakumo Yukari, who suddenly started the Fushigi Festival, Hakurei Reimu participates in the battle for the spell cards.
Strategic battles that combine "bullet hell" shooting and tactical RPG! Conquer the abundant stage gimmicks and the ever-changing bullet hell!
Organize your favorite party and win the battle for spell cards! Clear out your enemies with the "Trump Spell Card", which is an arrangement of the atmosphere of the bullet barrage from the Touhou Project! Combine "bullet barrages" and "effects" to take your own best shot!
Product Details
Name: Touhou Spell Carnival
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Idea Factory
Developer: Sting
Official Release Date: 11/19/24
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Strategy > General
ESRB: Fantasy Violence, Language
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H--USA
Product Barcode: 819245021080