You'll need tough studs and big bolts... Get bent over six radical terrains. White-knuckle driving and extreme weather conditions. Rampage your rig with actual four wheel independent suspension and real vehicle motion. Gut-wrenching multiple views with hard-rocking, adrenaline-pumping music. Max out your truck, crunch the fenders and kiss your competition, but don't drive it into the ground.
Product Details
Name: TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4
Platform: PlayStation 1
Publisher: ASC Games
Developer: Gremlin Interactive
Official Release Date: 11/30/96
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Racing > Simulation > Automobile
ESRB: No Descriptors
Country: USA
Product ID: SLUS-00089
Product Barcode: 729627320048