The Sinking City is an adventure and investigation game set in an open world inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of horror. The game is being developed by Frogwares, a studio that has won many awards for the Sherlock Holmes series. Half-submerged, Oakmont is in the grips of supernatural forces. As a detective, you have to uncover the truth about what is possessing the city... and the minds of its inhabitants.
- An oppressive atmosphere and story inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft
- A vast open world that can be explored on foot, by boat, or even a diving suit
- An arsenal of weapons from the 1920s with which to take on nightmarish creatures
Publisher: Maximum Games
ESRBAge Rating: Mature
Release Date: 06-25-2019
UPC: 814290014766
Languages: English