Featuring colourful visuals inspired by Dr. Seuss’s original illustrations from the beloved story, the game puts players in the fluffy green feet of The Grinch to ruin Christmas for The Whos. Accompanied by his faithful dog Max, in up to two player local co-op, complete dastardly missions to steal all the presents.
Players will be faced with the spirit of Christmas, from joyful singing to twinkling fairy lights, as they make their way across the iconic town of Who-ville. Complete puzzles to unlock special abilities and gadgets that include snowballs to freeze creatures in your way, including a Santa disguise for stealthy sneaking, a lasso candy cane, and a jumping jetpack. Speed up your devious antics by traversing parts of Who-ville on a sleigh or snowboard.
Product Details
Name: The Grinch: Christmas Adventures
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Outright Games
Developer: Casual Brothers
Official Release Date: 09/27/24
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 2D
ESRB: Mild Fantasy Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H--USA
Product Barcode: 819338020624