Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu
Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import) Video Games FuRyu

Caligula Overdose - (PS4) PlayStation 4 [Pre-Owned] (Japanese Import)

$29.99 USD

Supported Languages: Japanese

Mobius. An idyllic world that exists for the sake of letting people forget about the pain and problems of reality. In this world created by a sentient vocaloid program, μ (Mu), reality and fantasy has become blurred, allowing people to relive their high school years in bliss. Yet in this seemingly beautiful and perfect world, something is amiss. Escape from this false paradise with your fellow students and return to reality in The Caligula Effect: Overdose.

Product Details

Name: Caligula Overdose (The Caligula Effect: Overdose) [カリギュラ オーバードーズ]
Platform: PlayStation 4 
Publisher: FuRyu
Developer: Aquria
Official Release Date: 05/17/18
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
ESRB: Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence
Country: Japan
Product ID: PLJM-16011
Product Barcode: 4562240236558

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