An age of darkness has befallen the world. The Dark Current, a cataclysmic event caused by the Daemons’ emergence, has decimated the population and divided land into separate regions, leaving the survivors to be subjugated by Daemonic overlords. To reclaim their home and free their people, an unlikely fellowship of heroes will band together to spark a fiery revolution. Explore various realms, gain new skills in the heat of battle, and form alliances to stand against the Daemons!
Product Details
Name: The Alliance Alive HD Remastered
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: NIS America
Official Release Date: 10/08/19
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
ESRB: Fantasy Violence, Language, Mild Blood, Use of Alcohol
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 810023033592