"I OPERATE ALONE... the D.O.A. Punks are out to stop me, but I've got orders to bring them in or drop 'em dead. To entice their cooperation, my VMAX TWIN-TURBO Interceptor is equipped with APACHE Side-Mounted cannons and PULSE long-range nuclear torpedoes. Packing a .95 AutoMag, designed for internal explosion of human targets and a TONARI snare gun ...I play to win." - TECHNOCOP Not suggested for children under 12. 4 MegaBit 16 Bit Graphics
Product Details
Name: Techno Cop
Platform: Genesis
Publisher: Razorsoft
Official Release Date: 1990
Number of Players: N/A
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > General
Country: USA
Product ID: T-56016
Product Barcode: 720326805324