Streets of Rage - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Sega
Streets of Rage - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Sega
Streets of Rage - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Sega
Streets of Rage - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Sega

Streets of Rage - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned]

$24.99 USD

Axel, Adam and Blaze - ex-cops, the solution to punk pollution. The city's a war zone, and they're going out two at a time to give the gangs a kick in the guts. This is the ultimate in street combat. These city fighters are martial arts maniacs with a battery of individually controllable attacks - including jabs, head butts, and overhead kicks. They're up against a mob of Kung-Fu creeps and axe-hurling fiends. On the streets it's only two of them against hordes of attacking scum. Slam into pipe-wielding weirdos and bash 'em with their own metal. Throw an uppercut or an elbow smash - these goons keep comin'!

Product Details

Name: Streets of Rage
Platform: GameGear
Publisher: Sega
Official Release Date: 1992
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
ESRB: Animated Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: N/A
Product Barcode: 010086024173

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