In the Star Year of 2038, the 4th world war on Earth destroyed all of mankind. The Starship Hector was thousands of light years away on an exploration mission. Upon their return to what is now ancient Earth, the Starship Hector found Earth to be desolate and inhabited by gruesome bio-mechanical Creatures.
Starship Hector must fight its way past many different empires of these bio-mechanical creatures to save Earth's future. This challenge will be the toughest battle the Starship Hector will ever face. You must skillfully change your battle strategies constantly.
This is the ultimate challenge to your battle skills. The objectives is to help the Starship Hector to survive in Ancient Earth and to defeat the gruesome Bio-Mechanical Creatures. Earth's future is in your skillful hands!!
Product Details
Name: Starship Hector
Platform: NES
Publisher: Hudson
Official Release Date: June 1990
Number of Players: 1 Player
Game Data
Genre: Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
Country: USA
Product ID: NES-HH-USA
Product Barcode: 039854000041