In Skylanders SWAP Force, Portal Masters embark on an all new adventure in the mysterious Cloudbreak Islands, home to a mystical volcano that erupts every hundred years to replenish the magic in Skylands. During an epic battle, a brave group of Skylanders were caught in the volcano's eruption, which blasted them apart and sent them to earth. But, the magic of the volcano gave these heroes a remarkable new power -- the ability to swap halves - turning them into a special team known as the SWAP Force. Meanwhile, Kaos is back with a new evil plan. And now, Portal Masters everywhere must reassemble the SWAP Force -- in their original form or in new combinations -- and send them back to Cloudbreak to save Skylands!
Product Details
Name: Skylanders Swap Force
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Activision
Developer: n-Space
Official Release Date: 10/13/13
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 3D
ESRB: Cartoon Violence
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 047875847217