Details: The Shin Megami Tensei RPG series began in Japan in 1992 on Super Famicom. Neither this game nor its sequel was published in North America. In 2004 Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne was the first SMT game in North America, although "III" was removed from the PlayStation 2 title. The SMT series later spun off several sub series, including Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and the standalone Strange Journey. This new RPG is considered the fourth in the Shin Megami Tensei mainline series. In 1492, the kingdom of East Mikado is protected by high walls, with the castle and its king at the center. A young warrior, 18 years old, has just been chosen to become a Samurai, one who, with the aid of a special tool called a Gauntlet, will serve as a secret protector of the city. It is the duty of the Samurai to exterminate a demon threat of which its citizens are unaware. However, the situation is not as simple as human versus demon; There are factions within the human group that must be discovered and understood in order for alliances to be formed, paths set, and the destiny of the world decided.
- Limited Edition features game, 176-page Strategy & Design Book, Music Collection CD and deluxe-sized collectible slipcase featuring key art designed by Masayuki Doi.
- A World to Discover, A Mystery to Uncover The life of a Samurai is fraught with peril; Players must leave the safety of Mikado in order to defend it from the invading demons; There the story unfolds as the true history of Mikado comes to light
- Demon Collection and Fusion The core mechanic of the Shin Megami Tensei series returns with more than 400 demons to recruit, collect, and fuse together
- Choices and Consequences ? Throughout the player's journey, they must choose their own path; The choices will affect them, other NPCs, and the overall outcome of the story
- Pressing the Combat Advantage The Press Turn system requires strategic thinking for every battle; Pinpointing an enemy's weakness will provide a vital extra turn for players to exploit
Languages: English
Brand: Atlus
UPC: 730865300143