Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ
Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned] Video Games THQ

Saints Row IV (Commander in Chief Edition) - (PS3) PlayStation 3 [Pre-Owned]

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Saints Row IV lets players delve into an arsenal of alien weaponry and technology that will turn each Saint into an ultimate entity of destruction. Utilize out-of-this-world superpowers to fight all the way to the top. With intensified action and enhanced customization, players can use their newfound superpowers and leap over buildings, outrun the fastest sports cars, or send enemies flying with telekinesis in the greatest, most insane installment of Saints Row yet.

Save the world, Saints Style.

Product Details

Game Data

  • Genre: Action Adventure > Open-World
  • Age Rating: ESRB M
  • Descriptor(s): Blood, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
  • Country: USA
  • Product ID: BLUS-31205LE
  • Item Code: 816819010693
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