Take to the skies and defend Garuda, the Sky Kingdom against the mechanized forces of the Naga Empire as Rodea, a humanoid flying robot known as a "sky soldier," in this exciting third-person action-adventure game for the Wii U! 1,000 years ago, the terrestrial Naga Empire attempted to invade the floating continent of Garuda for its natural resources. But thanks to Rodea, who swore a promise to protect Garuda, their invasion was unsuccessful and Nagas civilization fell into decline. In present day, Rodea's remains are discovered by a spirited young inventor named Ion, who promptly repairs and reactivates the former sky soldier. Though they were believed to have gone extinct, when the Naga Empire resumes the invasion it started 1,000 years ago, Rodea must take flight to keep the promise he made to defend Garuda once again!
Product Details
Name: Rodea the Sky Soldier (Limited Edition)
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: NIS America
Developer: Kadokawa
Official Release Date: 11/10/15
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 3D
ESRB: Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 813633015125