CAUTION! MERGING MANIAC! There's a hot rodent on the road. Rocky. He's quicker than a greased hairball. Wound tighter than a hairpin turn. He's got hair with an attitude. And the fastest can of hairspray in the west. He's trouble in the fast lane. Tricks in a can. Cars, trucks and uncool dudes pull over-or end up looking like a hairpiece with a bad case of the rats. Rocky Rodent. He's good road-from Irem.
Product Details
Name: Rocky Rodent
Platform: Super Nintendo
Publisher: Irem
Official Release Date: September 1993
Number of Players: 1 Player
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 2D
Country: USA
Product ID: SNS-NP-USA
Product Barcode: 715664393060