20 years after the award-winning action adventure hit, Outcast, pioneered the genre of non-linear open-world games, the long-awaited sequel sees Cutter Slade return to the spectacular alien world of Adelpha. Resurrected by the almighty Yods, he has returned to find the Talans enslaved, the world stripped of its natural resources, and his own past intertwining with the invading robot forces. It's up to him to go on a mission and save the planet again. The original team behind Outcast 1 has reunited to create this fascinating world, full of dangerous creatures and home to the Talan people - an ancient culture whose fate has become inextricably linked with earth since the events of the first game. You play as Cutter Slade, ex-Navy SEAL, sporting the same dry wit he had back in the 90s - however, the world around him has changed and eventually, so will he.
Product Details
Name: Outcast: A New Beginning
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Developer: Appeal Studios
Official Release Date: 03/15/24
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > Open-World
ESRB: Drug Reference, Language, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: PPSA-
Product Barcode: B09H1XB2SG