Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami
Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami
Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami
Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami
Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami
Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X Video Games Konami

Metal Gear Solid Δ (Delta) Snake Eater (Tactical Edition) - (XSX) Xbox Series X

$64.99 USD $69.99 USD /
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An intense origin story betrayal and tactical espionage action. Become Naked Snake, a special operations soldier tasked with sneaking into hostile environments, avoiding combat when possible, hiding the evidence when he does engage and infiltrating deep into enemy territory to complete his mission.

The legendary story, characters, voice acting, gameplay, and music that made the original a sensation all return, evolved and more immersive than ever. This modern leap breathes new life into every cutscene and rebuilds every corner of the world. With the updated battle damage system, the wear and tear of Snake's clothes, as well as bruises and bullet wounds on his body, reflected in real time. Snake's clothes can be mended by changing his outfit, but any injuries to his actual body will leave their mark permanently, telling a story of each player's unique journey through the game.

With Unreal Engine 5, expansive stages are rendered with cutting-edge technology. Incredible new graphics bring the wild growth of the jungles, forests, and swamps to life in exquisite detail. Characters are rendered in such fine detail that facial wrinkles, pores, and even separate eye and iris movements are visible, allowing for rich and emotive facial animations. In addition to the original play style and control scheme, players can elect for a newly added, more modern control style. These intuitive controls let you focus entirely on the game, and the immersive thrills of the survival stealth experience.

Product Details

Name: Metal Gear Solid Δ Snake Eater
Platform: Xbox Series X
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Official Release Date: 08/28/25
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action Adventure > General
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 083717302650

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