In this new storyline, heroes and villains unite in a race across the Marvel Universe to find the Infinity Stones before Thanos and The Black Order use them to unleash cosmic chaos. From Avengers Tower to the X-Mansion and beyond, every stop on the dangerous quest to thwart Thanos results in unexpected collisions of fan-favorite characters and iconic locations. Get closer to the action by shifting the view to an over-the-shoulder "Heroic Camera" perspective, a series first that offers a more immersive way to play single-player or multiplayer on up to four systems. Play online*, offline via local wireless, or simply pass a Joy-Con controller to a friend, so they can join your team. With another pair of Joy-Con controllers (sold separately), four players can team up on one system! The drop-in/drop-out co-op possibilities let players create their own "Ultimate Alliance" at will.
Product Details
Name: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Official Release Date: 07/19/19
Number of Players: 1-4 Players
Online Multiplayer: Up to 4 Players
Game Data
Genre: Role-Playing > Action RPG
ESRB: Mild Blood, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H-APY2A-USA
Product Barcode: 045496594282