Louisa’s gone. She’s gone?! How could this happen? We had plans, a future. Everything was going to be better. But… it’s over? No. We have to fight on, the rest of us cannot give up. And now I have an unlikely ally… I’m becoming more powerful. Can I save her? Can I bring back her soul?
Embark on an epic odyssey to save your younger sister – and the whole of humanity – from mysterious dimensional invaders from beyond the starlit skies in Lost Soul Aside. Run the gauntlet of formidable enemies and colossal bosses in this breathtakingly stylish single player action-adventure RPG; chaining weapon and spectacular attack combos in high-octane, dynamic combat. Adapt your fighting style, solve puzzles, and evolve incredible abilities on a truly heroic quest.
Product Details
Name: Lost Soul Aside
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: PlayStation Studios
Developer: UltiZeroGames
Official Release Date: 05/30/25
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Role-Playing > Action RPG
Country: USA
Product ID: PPSA-
Product Barcode: 711719567400