As the intrepid Commander of a fleet of intergalactic spacecraft, you're engaged in a vicious battle with dreaded enemy attack forces. Their radar systems track your every move. Their force fields block your every advance. Even when you destroy one battalion of attackers, tougher, more skillful reinforcements come to their rescue. But keep on fighting. The more attackers you destroy, the more points you score. Score big and you get reinforcements! Here's space action that picks up speed and fun with every battle. So, get ready, aim and zzzap! It's Laser Blast by Activision!
Product Details
- Name: Laser Blast
- Platform: Atari 2600
- Developer & Publisher: Activision
- Official Release Date: 1981
- Local Player(s): 1 Player
Game Data
- Genre: Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
- Country: USA
- Product ID: AG008