Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment
Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games U&I Entertainment

Lake - (PS5) PlayStation 5

$29.99 USD

It's September 1, 1986. You take on the role of forty-something Meredith Weiss, who returns from the big city to her quiet hometown. She exchanges her busy career at a software company to fill in for her dad, the local mail carrier.

During her two-week stay in beautiful Providence Oaks, Oregon, she runs into a few familiar faces as well as plenty of new folk. As Meredith, you get to decide who to talk to, who to befriend and perhaps even start a romantic relationship with.

Whatever happens, at the end of her stint she'll have to make up her mind: return to her demanding job in the big city, or stay in the town she grew up in?

Product Details

Name: Lake
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: U&I Entertainment
Official Release Date: 06/21/22
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Racing > Arcade > Automobile
ESRB: Adventure > General
Country: USA
Product ID: PP01757C
Product Barcode: 812303017575

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