Wild Side is the newest game in town. All the kids are wild to play it. It's a machine that surrounds you with flame-belching, body-snatching monsters. Step inside and it's just you against the madness. It's fast, dangerous and almost impossible to beat. One other thing - it's a kid-eater! Until Kid Chameleon takes charge. He bursts open blocks, finds helmets and - Blam! - he transforms into a brick-smashing Berzerker! Crunch! He's a buzzing Micromax, hacking Maniaxe, or jet-powered Skycutter. By bashing blocks, he builds up superpowers for the monster-mash ahead! Crabuloids, Skull Chompers, Killer Slime! Kid Chameleon wipes 'em out with hair-raising leaps! He scrambles up walls, skates across ceilings and squeezes through escape holes. With more than 1,850 screens, 103 levels, and loads of secret paths, there's always a way out. And they all lead to the lair of the Elsewhere Evilmeister, Heady Metal!
Product Details
Name: Kid Chameleon
Platform: Genesis
Publisher: Sega
Official Release Date: 05/28/92
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 2D
ESRB: Mild Cartoon Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: 1010
Product Barcode: 010086010107