Details: Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death combines weapon management, fast-paced combat, and intense multiplayer action. Based on the comic book, the game puts you in the shoes of Judge Dredd, a no-holds-barred judge who is determined to clean up the streets of the futuristic Mega-City One. Armed with an all-purpose LawGiver that features six types of ammo, you can shoot to wound, shoot to kill, or make an arrest--all while keeping an eye on your Lawmeter. Shoot an unarmed citizen, and your Lawmeter will drop; apprehend numerous criminals, and it will rise.
- 11 chapters
- Over 50 unique characters
- 16 different multiplayer modes
Release Date: 02/23/05
Genre: Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
Developer: Rebellion
ESRB Descriptor(s): Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
Local Players: 1-4 Players
Brand: Evolved Games
Product ID: SLUS-20869
UPC: 896992000216