Step into the enchanting realm of Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hiihoo! for the Virtual Boy! This unique action-adventure title features beloved characters from the Shin Megami Tensei series, including Jack Frost, as they navigate through a whimsical maze filled with quirky enemies and creative challenges.
Players must utilize each character's distinct abilities to overcome obstacles and defeat foes in vibrant, 3D environments. The game combines elements of strategy and puzzle-solving, making it accessible for both casual gamers and those looking for a deeper experience. With its engaging gameplay mechanics, Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hiihoo! encourages players to think critically while enjoying a light-hearted adventure.
The charming graphics and captivating sound design create an immersive atmosphere that draws players into this fantastical world. Collect power-ups, unlock secrets, and strategize your way through each maze to achieve victory. This hidden gem is a must-have for Virtual Boy fans and anyone seeking a delightful gaming experience filled with creativity and fun!
Product Details
Name: Jack Bros. no Meiro de Hiihoo! [ジャック・ブラザースの迷路でヒーホー!]
Platform: Virtual Boy
Publisher: Atlus
Official Release Date: 09/29/95
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > General
ESRB: Animated Violence
Country: Japan
Product Barcode: 4984995900018