Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned] Video Games Mindscape
Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned] Video Games Mindscape
Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned] Video Games Mindscape
Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned] Video Games Mindscape
Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned] Video Games Mindscape

Infiltrator - (NES) Nintendo Entertainment System [Pre-Owned]

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You're Captain Johnny "Jimbo-Baby" McGibbits - The Infiltrator: Ace helicopter pilot, ballistics expert, rock star, motorcycle racer, and all-around good guy. Your assignment: Stop the Mad Leader before he fulfills his life-long goal of total world destruction. Fly through enemy airspace in your Gizmo DHX-3 Attack Chopper, better known as "The Snuffmaster." If hostile aircraft try to stop you, let 'em have it with a few rounds of cannon fire or a heat-seeking missile. Locate your target area, then land your Chopper and carry out the specified ground mission before time runs out. The fate of the free world is in your hands!

Product Details

Name: Infiltrator
Platform: NES
Publisher: Mindscape
Official Release Date: January 1990
Number of Players: 1 Player

Game Data

Genre: Action Adventure > General
Country: USA
Product ID: NES-IF-USA
Product Barcode: 050047103103

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