Unleash your inner rock star. Guitar Hero Live is here. FreeStyleGames have reinvented the legendary Guitar Hero franchise, with two innovative new gameplay modes and an all-new guitar controller. GH Live mode puts you onstage, looking out: you get a heart-stopping first-person perspective as a real crowd reacts to the notes you play. Or switch over to GHTV - an always-on music video network, where you can play along in real time, discover new music, and challenge friends around the world.
Product Details
Name: Guitar Hero: Live
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: Activision
Developer: FreeStyleGames
Official Release Date: 10/20/15
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: Up to 10 Players
Game Data
Genre: Action > Rhythm > Music
ESRB: Lyrics
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-02188
Product Barcode: 047875874213