PowerBack Rechargeable Battery Pack, known as the Power Battery (パワーバッテリー) in Japan, is one of several solutions to the Sega Game Gear's short battery life. It is Sega's second attempt to create a rechargeable battery pack, after the not-particularly-convenient Game Gear Battery Pack.
The major advantage of the PowerBack is that it clips onto the unit to be used full time. However like so many other accessories, the added weight and volume again acts against the idea that the console should be portable. It screws in to the Game Gear but is not directly connected to the system until the lead sticking out at the top is connected to the AC input of the console. It takes two hours to charge and was designed to save users money on AA batteries. It also has an AC input of its own, so can remain a permanent accessory. Though you may expect it to, the PowerBack does not fit inside the battery holding area, so it is fully possible to take your Game Gear out with both methods of power. It can be charged with a Mega Drive model 2 AC adaptor, often bundled with the unit (or a Game Gear Car Adaptor). There is a switch on the underside to choose whether to divert all mains power to charging the battery, or to give some of that to the Game Gear unit itself for play. In its prime, the PowerBack could supposedly average about 8 hours of play (relying on AA batteries would see about 5-6 at best).