FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts
FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts
FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts
FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts
FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts
FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned] Video Games Electronic Arts

FIFA 15 - (PSV) PlayStation Vita [Pre-Owned]

$39.99 USD

FIFA 15 brings soccer to life in stunning detail so fans can experience the emotion of the sport like never before. Witness the intensity of crowds and listen to commentators guide fans through the story of the game with Dynamic Match Presentation. New Emotional Intelligence allows players to react to opponents and teammates within context, and relative to the narrative of the match. Next Generation Visuals put fans on Living Pitches with grass that wears as the match progresses. Authentic Player Visuals give players true to life appearance. Player Control heightens the responsiveness of player movement and makes Man-to-Man Battles more rewarding than ever before.

Product Details

Name: FIFA 15
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Sports
Official Release Date: 09/13/14
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Sports > Team > Soccer > Sim
Country: USA
Product ID: PCSE-00481
Product Barcode: 014633368055

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