Experience the year 1854 in a fictional Edo-era Japan. Mysterious ships make landfall on the isolationist island, not bringing with them technology and trade, but something much more deadly. With the end of their isolation, a zombie outbreak begins and spreads, infecting the entire population. While the country is in flames, a select few have managed to maintain their humanity through their immunity to the outbreak. Theses three “Zom-beings” carry the hope of bringing peace back to their homeland with their mysterious evolved powers. The fate of Japan is in your hands!
Product Details
Name: Ed-0: Zombie Uprising
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: Aksys Games
Developer: Lancarse
Official Release Date: 10/10/24
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > General
Country: USA
Product ID: PPSA-13736
Product Barcode: 810075730517