Resist, Escape, Survive - Caught in an unexpected temporal phenomenon, seven ordinary citizens find themselves stranded in a Temporal Seam: they share their imprisonment with the Raider, a menacing enemy from another timeline with an overwhelming power. Their only hope for survival is to break out from the Temporal Seam with the Super Time Machine, but the Raider is on their tracks and becomes stronger by the minute. In a race against time the cunning of Survivors clashes with the power of the Raider, to break free or be broken…
Product Details
Name: Dragon Ball: The Breakers (Special Edition)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Official Release Date: 10/14/22
Number of Players: 1 Player (8 Players, Online Only)
Online Multiplayer: 8 Players
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > General
ESRB: Cartoon Violence, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H-AXY8A-USA
Product Barcode: 722674840910