Doraemon: Story of Seasons - (NSW) Nintendo Switch (Asia Import) Video Games Bandai Namco Games
Doraemon: Story of Seasons - (NSW) Nintendo Switch (Asia Import) Video Games Bandai Namco Games

Doraemon: Story of Seasons - (NSW) Nintendo Switch (Asia Import)

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Supported Languages: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

Doraemon meets Story of Seasons in this new, fresh take on farming! Japan's adored Doraemon franchise comes to Nintendo Switch in Story of Seasons, a beloved farming simulation series lasting over 20 years.

The setting is Natura, and at the center of this land is the mystical Big Tree. Doraemon and friends will each take on a role to help out around town! The theme of this experience is creating bonds with the town residents, and while doing so, enjoying the heart-warming interactions through each character and the part they play in the story.

But building a farm and raising horses and cattle like in other Story of Seasons games isn't the only thing to do. Explore the town of Natura, go on adventures, catch bugs and much much more! Fans of the Doraemon series will also be happy to know that Doraemon's gadgets can be used to assist you in your new, everyday life! Enjoy the nostalgia of Doraemon and Story of Seasons while helping Noby live his farm life in this unique, lovable land!

Product Details

Name: Doraemon: Story of Seasons (哆啦A夢 牧場物語)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Bandai Namco Games
Official Release Date: 10/11/19
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Strategy > Management > Business / Tycoon
Country: Asia
Product ID: LA-H-AR3SC-CHT
Product Barcode: 4713014352138

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