Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom
Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Capcom

Dino Crisis 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned]

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In the first Dino Crisis, Regina fought for survival against raging prehistoric dinosaurs and helped capture rogue scientist Dr. Kirk, but the threat is far from over. Despite these past events, research continued on Third Energy, which led to the disappearance of a military base, a research institute, and an entire town. Armed with the latest in heavy artillery, Regina and her team get to the root of this latest catastrophe. With more dinosaurs, environments, and weapons, you must be ready to hunt or be hunted.

Product Details

Name: Dino Crisis 2
Platform: PlayStation 1
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Official Release Date: 09/29/00
Number of Players: 1 Player

Game Data

Genre: Action Adventure > Survival
ESRB: Blood and Gore, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: SLUS-01279
Product Barcode: 013388210619

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