An Unexpected Adventure Awaits… Celebrating the franchise’s 20th anniversary, Digimon Survive is a tactical RPG with a focus on storytelling and turn-based battles. Takuma Momozuka goes on a school camping trip only to find himself transported to a mysterious world full of monsters and danger. Join Takuma and Agumon as you craft your story and fight your way back home in Digimon Survive.
Product Details
Name: Digimon Survive
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Official Release Date: 07/29/22
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Strategy > Turn-Based > Tactics
ESRB: Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence, Language, Mild Blood
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 722674840149