This terror-shrouded adventure takes you to a remote northern region of the Canadian mountains. Left stranded in a vast snowy landscape after a meteor strikes her airplane, Laura finds herself in a cabin with a mysterious woman named Kimberly. Outside, horrifying creatures of alien origin roam the area as the two are left to fend for themselves.
Product Details
Name: D no Shokutaku 2 (Eclipse) [Dの食卓2 "Eclipse"]
Platform: Dreamcast
Publisher: WARP
Official Release Date: 12/23/99
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > Survival
ESRB: Animated Blood and Gore, Animated Violence, Mature Sexual Themes
Country: Japan
Product ID: T-30005M
Product Barcode: 4533992000070