Camp Lazlo: Leaky Lake Games is based on the animated series of the same name from Cartoon Network that chronicles the odd but happy camping life of a Bean Scout named Lazlo and his bunkmates at Camp Kidney. In the game, players take alternating control of Lazlo, an optimistic, high-energy Brazilian monkey, Raj, a wise but compulsive Indian elephant, and Clam, an eccentric and highly intelligent pygmy Rhino, to compete in a variety of camp challenges, earning the right to represent their camp in a final tournament against the Squirrel Scouts, a rival all-girl camp to the all-boy Camp Kidney.
Product Details
Name: Camp Lazlo: Leaky Lake Games
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Publisher: Crave
Official Release Date: 11/06/06
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > General
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 650008899290