Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Square EA
Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Square EA
Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Square EA
Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Square EA
Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned] Video Games Square EA

Bushido Blade 2 - (PS1) PlayStation 1 [Pre-Owned]

$59.99 USD /
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The sequel to the most original and realistic fighting game - bigger, better and more brutal than ever. No life bars, no time limits, no mercy. And a single blow can still make the difference between life and death. - 12 new warriors for a total of 20 - New weapons, subweapons, stances and moves - 6 fighting modes, plus first-person view option - Each character follows their own story path, with unique encounters and endings - Two-handed swordplay, throwing weapons, mud-slinging and more - Unique body damage system allows you to incapacitate or kill with one well-placed strike - Run, dodge, and slash through huge 3D settings

Product Details

Name: Bushido Blade 2
Platform: PlayStation 1
Publisher: Square EA
Developer: Light Weight
Official Release Date: 02/28/98
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Action > Fighting > 3D
ESRB: Animated Blood, Animated Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: SLUS-00663
Product Barcode: 662248998039

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