The last of an extinct race, one with unimaginable powers. Ryu is a dormant dragon, awakened by miners, transformed into an innocent child. Now, as an outcast from society, Ryu must remember his fiery past and regain his powers so he can fulfil his epic destiny.
Product Details
- Name: Breath of Fire III - PSP (Europe)
- Platform: PSP
- Developer & Publisher: Capcom
- Official Release Date: 2005-08-25
- Local Player(s): 1 Player
- Franchise: Breath of Fire
Game Data
- Genre: Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
- Age Rating: 7+
- Descriptor(s): Mild Animated Violence, Suggestive Themes
- Country: Japan
- Product ID: ULES-00193/E
- Item Code: 5055060911303