A pair of defective nuclear missiles, en route to a safe detonation site, has begun to leak. Badly damaged, the carrier automatically locks onto the most direct route. Clear a path to help the carrier arrive safely. Tons of vehicles are at your disposal. Leave nothing standing or the adventure will end in an earth-shattering explosion! Find the hidden technicians to ensure a safe detonation. Strap on your seat belt, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Product Details
Name: Blast Dozer (Blast Corps) [ブラストドーザー]
Platform: Nintendo 64
Developer: Rare Ltd.
Publisher: Nintendo
Official Release Date: 03/21/97
Number of Players: 1 Player
Game Data
Genre: Action > General
ESRB: Animated Violence
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 4902370503012