Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment
Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Astragon Entertainment

Blasphemous II - (PS5) PlayStation 5

$59.99 USD

The second scripture in the Blasphemous series portends the return of The Penitent One, with a story that continues from the free Wounds of Eventide DLC for the original game, where The Heart in the sky heralded the return of The Miracle and foretold the birth of a new miracle child. Awakened in a strange new land, and displaced from his final resting place, The Penitent One is thrust back into the endless cycle of life, death, and resurrection, with no other option than to explore this perilous new world and uncover its long-forgotten secrets. Hordes of grotesque enemies stand in your way, awaiting final judgement by the brutal hand of the Penitent One, with titanic twisted bosses also lurking in the darkness, waiting for their chance to return you to the grave from whence you came. Taking them down won’t be easy, but with Blasphemous 2 offering more chances to customize and improve your skill set, along with several new unique weapons to wield with righteous zeal and unending fury, victory might just be within grasp. Ultimately, only one thing is certain… Penance Never Ends

Product Details

Name: Blasphemous II
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: The Game Kitchen
Developer: Team17
Official Release Date: 09/15/23
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action > Platformer > Metroidvania
ESRB: Violence, Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity
Country: USA
Product ID: PPSA-13580
Product Barcode: 191641870715

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