A malevolent force known only as Lina is devouring data from a vast, interdimensional network of servers overseen by sentient computers called ”motes.” In desperation, the motes summon heroes from a variety of parallel game worlds to face off against each other in one-on-one combat.
Developed by Studio Saizensen, Blade Strangers is a hardcore old-school fighting game. The streamlined four-button control scheme makes it easy for beginners to deal out damage from day one…but the intricate combos, counters and specials give tournament-caliber players plenty of opportunities for frame counting, chain construction and hit-box science.
Product Details
Name: Blade Strangers
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nicalis
Official Release Date: 08/28/18
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: 2 Players
Game Data
Genre: Action > Fighting > 2D
ESRB: Mild Blood, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H-AB9ZA-USA
Product Barcode: 867528000376