You're about to find out just what's involved for a young bee with a day-job. Gigantic spiders, sneaky ants and loathsome slugs are just a few of the meanies who'll get in your way when you're bee number 52. You're hardly defenseless though, and with enough speed, skill and firepower you may get through the day - despite being heavily outnumbered. Let your nose, or rather proboscis, lead the way to the flowers and don't let anyone - or anything - get in your way! B52 - you're cleared for take off!
Product Details
Name: Bee 52
Platform: NES
Publisher: Camerica
Official Release Date: 1992
Number of Players: 1 Player
Game Data
Genre: Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Horizontal
Country: USA
Product ID: N/A
Product Barcode: 069667074113