Battlefield Hardline - (PS4) PlayStation 4 Video Games Electronic Arts
Battlefield Hardline - (PS4) PlayStation 4 Video Games Electronic Arts

Battlefield Hardline - (PS4) PlayStation 4

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Cop or criminal? Welcome to your new playground Take on the role of Nick Mendoza in an intense story of revenge, as a new addition to the Battlefield series strikes out in a dramatically new direction. As the young detective, you'll head out on a cross-country vendetta against those you once trusted on the force. Inspired by emotionally charged TV crime drama, you'll use advanced weaponry and powerful vehicles to deliver your own justice, while you'll be able to form your own crew and wreak citywide destruction in the game's vast multiplayer modes. Turn enemies into fresh road kill, or blow past cops on a loot-laden motorcycle. Shoot out the inside of a subterranean grow-lab, blow open a gleaming bank vault or blast apart a Los Angeles car dealership. Battlefield Hardline is fast, fresh and intense.

Product Details

Name: Battlefield Hardline
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Visceral Games
Official Release Date: 03/17/15
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: Up to 66 Players

Game Data

Genre: Action > Shooter > First-Person > Tactical
ESRB: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-00625
Product Barcode: 014633732740

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