Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - (PS4) PlayStation 4 Video Games Skybound Games
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - (PS4) PlayStation 4 Video Games Skybound Games
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - (PS4) PlayStation 4 Video Games Skybound Games

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - (PS4) PlayStation 4

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Kidnapped. Imprisoned. Tortured. The wizard Irenicus holds you captive in his stronghold, attempting to strip you of the powers that are your birthright. Can you resist the evil in your blood and forsake the dark destiny that awaits you? Or will you embrace your monstrous nature and ascend to godhood as the new Lord of Murder? 

Continue a journey started in Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition or create an entirely new character in this isometric Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game.

Baldur’s Gate has put its faith in you, but you must determine whose interests you truly serve before you face the Shining Lady among the ruins of Dragonspear Castle… The first new game in the Baldur’s Gate series in over a decade, Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear adds a new chapter to the Bhaalspawn saga. The events occurring between Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate II are at last revealed in this 25-hour adventure.

Product Details

Name: Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: Skybound Games
Developer: Beamdog
Official Release Date: 09/24/19
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Role-Playing > Western-Style
ESRB: Alcohol Reference, Blood and Gore, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-
Product Barcode: 811949030771

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