A mysterious new substance was discovered on the remote planet, Rubicon 3. As an energy source, this substance was expected to advance humanity’s technological and communications capabilities. Instead, this substance caused a catastrophe that engulfed the planet and the surrounding stars in flames and storms, forming a Burning Star System. Almost half a century later, the same substance resurfaced on Rubicon 3, a planet now contaminated and sealed off by the catastrophe. Extra-terrestrial corporations and resistance groups fight over control of the substance. The player infiltrates Rubicon as an independent mercenary and finds themself in a struggle over the substance with the corporations and other factions.
Product Details
Name: Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Developer: From Software
Official Release Date: 08/25/23
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: Up to 6 Players
Game Data
Genre: Simulation > Vehicle > Combat
ESRB: Drug Reference, Language, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-32600
Product Barcode: 722674127028