American Idol - (GBA) Game Boy Advance Video Games Codemasters
American Idol - (GBA) Game Boy Advance Video Games Codemasters
American Idol - (GBA) Game Boy Advance Video Games Codemasters
American Idol - (GBA) Game Boy Advance Video Games Codemasters

American Idol - (GBA) Game Boy Advance

$29.99 USD

Complete with a computer generated Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell, with trademark insults, American Idol is a music-based, rhythm-action game that will allow you to create, style, and train a contestant for the competition. Once styled and trained you'll see your contestant progress through the auditions, various heats, and then, hopefully, make it to the grand final. You'll need quick fingers as you match the right combination of buttons to what's displayed on the screen helping your contestant sing a sweet harmony and dance to the rhythm of the song. Get it wrong and your voice fades and goes out of tune as the judges and later the audience grow unsettled.

Product Details

Name: American Idol
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Publisher: Codemasters
Official Release Date: 11/18/03
Number of Players: N/A
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Action > Rhythm > Music
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 767649400683

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