Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned} Video Games Sega
Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned} Video Games Sega
Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned} Video Games Sega
Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned} Video Games Sega
Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned} Video Games Sega

Aliens vs. Predator - (PS3) PlayStation 3 {Pre-Owned}

$29.99 USD


Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic. Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction's most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming. Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya's Prospect.


Product Details

Game Data

  • Genre: Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
  • Age Rating: ESRB M
  • Descriptor(s): Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes
  • Country: USA
  • Product ID: BLUS-30340
  • Item Code: 010086690385


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