In this story-driven and intense Psychological Action Thriller, players assume the role of Alan Wake, a best-selling suspense author suffering from writer's block, who escapes to a small town only to experience the mysterious disappearance of his wife. Set in the seemingly idyllic town of Bright Falls, Washington, "Alan Wake" draws players into an intense, cinematic world that enables players to explore the hyper-realistic and interactive environments. "Alan Wake" is structured in an episodic format, much like a thriller TV-series, with a deeply engaging and suspenseful storyline unveiling plot twists and profound character revelations in nearly every episode.
Players will unravel the riveting plot through multilayered character interactions, unique problem-solving and intense combat against the darkest of enemies. In this nightmarish world, where the boundaries between reality and fiction become increasingly blurred and ambiguous, Alan Wake must use a variety of weapons to survive, including his most powerful ally against the darkness - light itself.
Product Details
Name: Alan Wake Remastered
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: Epic Games Publishing
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Official Release Date: 05/10/21
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action Adventure > Survival
ESRB: Blood, Language, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-24652
Product Barcode: 812303016691