Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus
Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5 Video Games Modus

Afterimage: Deluxe Edition - (PS5) PlayStation 5

$49.99 USD /
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One of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that soars into the clouds...

Encounter fantastic creatures during your journey: giant beasts wandering in fire, and spirits lurking in the depth of complicated labyrinths... Learn about your new friends, get to know their pasts and the agendas they hold.

Engardin is alive with unknown secrets. Venture forth and feel free to explore wherever you like as a brave adventurer. Find out the stories that link each area, discover a concealed history and the truth of the world.

The Deluxe Edition includes: base game, digital artbook, digital soundtrack, and a reversible cover sheet.

Product Details

Name: Afterimage: Deluxe Edition
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: Modus
Developer: Aurogon
Official Release Date: 04/25/23
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action > Platformer > Metroidvania
ESRB: Alcohol and Tobacco Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Language
Country: USA
Product ID: N/A
Product Barcode: 859529007010

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